Maharashtra BJP chief reacts to Kangana remark

2021-11-15 04:58:46 BdST

2024-05-05 18:45:01 BdST

Published: 2021-11-15 04:58:46 BdST

Entertainment Live: Maharashtra BJP chief Chandrakant Patil on Saturday said bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut's comment that the Independence India won in 1947 was "bheek" (alms) was completely wrong.

"Kangana Ranaut's comment on the country's fight for Independence is completely wrong. Nobody has a right to pass a negative remark on the freedom movement," Mr Patil told reporters, though he added he did not know the "emotions" that made the actress utter such a statement.

Ms Ranaut can appreciate PM Modi's work over the last seven years but she has no right to criticise the Independence struggle, Mr Patil told reporters.

Dhaka, 14 November (


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