Dr Zafrullah's janaza held, to be buried at Savar Ganashasthya Kendra

2023-04-13 23:49:25 BdST

2024-05-09 05:38:12 BdST

Published: 2023-04-13 23:49:25 BdST


Live Correspondent: Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder and veteran freedom fighter Zafrullah Chowdhury’s body will be buried on Gonoshasthaya Kendra premises in Savar on Friday, said Zafrullah’s son Bareesh Hasan Chowdhury on Thursday.

During a short speech before the first namaz-e-janaza of his father, Bareesh said that the family agreed to keep the verbal donation of Zafrullah’s body to any medical college of Bangladesh.

‘We have contact the authorities of both Dhaka Medical College Hospital, where he was a student, and Gonoshasthaya Samajvittik Medical College which he had established. But they denied to receive the body as none of them wanted to deal with Zafrullah Chowdhury’s body out of respect,’ said Bareesh.

Later, the family members decided to bury him at Savar Gonoshasthaya Kendra where he started his journey after Liberation War.

Dhaka University central Mosque imam Emdad Ullah conducted the namaz-e-janaza which was held at Suhrawardy Uddayan in the capital at about around 2:30pm.

Dhaka, 13 April (campuslive24.com)//CM


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